Saturday started with a visit to the Crumpet Shop at Pike Place Market where my friend David is the baker. The show floor was more of the same enthusiasm seen on Friday but with many many more people. The convention apparently broke attendance records; I didn't get to leave my table. This is a good thing because I got to do a bunch of fun commissions, sold some of the things I made (books, prints and charms) and met many of the wonderful people who read my comic. I was in a huge island with many of my dear periscope studio friends and the magnetism of their amazing abilities and charisma certainly helped bring over some new people. In fact, some people told me they were sent my way by specific studio members who are unfailingly generous and supportive of my efforts; Dylan, Jeff and Steve... I'm looking at you.

Sunday was fast and frenzied with me catching up on commissions, giving away all of my business cards and rushing to the train station. I talked with the amazing Patrick Reynolds on the train ride back and cajoled my seat-mates into at-least 30 games of bananagrams. Lindsey came to get me and brought Ethiopian food. We were both super happy to see one another. She had intended to go but a death in the family prevented her traveling. Next year will be great for many reasons but chief among them will be that she will most likely come along.

I learned that need a tall banner, a money box, a system for organizing prints and a published version of Tragedy Series. I'm fortunate to have a forthright readership and most all of those who came to say hello either asked when there would be or emphatically insisted that there should be a collection of the comics. I am going to do what I can to have that very thing around for next year. With stumptown coming up I've got another chance to practice my best 'I'm not giving you the hard-sell' Hello a few hundred more times.
If you are seeking an autograph for your collectable book do the signee the courtesy of a cursory glance at their merch. A bit of genial conversational interchange never hurts either.
When people say a simple and friendly greeting to you it isn't necessarily preamble to a telemarketer-style spiel. you can say 'hi' back rather than just shuffling by with a facade of ambivalence or distain.
In the event that you find yourself enjoying an artist/creators' work to the point that you linger, when you clearly had no initial intention of doing so, and subsequently laugh out loud multiple times, it is an small but valued gesture of thanks for that bit of entertainment, to make eye-contact and acknowledge attempts at a dialogue. After all, they made the thing you were just digging; it didn't just happen and it's nice when people affirm that connection.
Show cartoonists that you value their work by offering something appropriately compensatory or by asking nicely for something small (if you want it free) when you approach them with your sketchbook or commission request. It is their livelihood and a skill set that all of them have been cultivating their entire lives. It is greatly appreciated when people express an understanding of that dynamic.
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