My dear friend, Scott Barkan has put out a new recordand recruited me to draw the album art! I love to play guitar almost as much as I like drawing and he has been a great hero of mine, as a player, since I met him fifteen years ago. I'm glad we finally collaborated on a project; he had the story of the sad penguin in mind and I just transcribed it as I saw it in my head.
Here are a few test drawings of SMG as a tryout for some work on Buffy The Vampire Slayer comics. I like SMG's face but it is really hard to get consistently right; give it a try, it's more complicated than you think. I'm working on some more sketches of Angel and Faith that I will post when they are complete.
I'll returning to my poor neglected blog, over the coming weeks, to revitalize it with updated content and notices of all sorts. For a while there I was juggling wedding logistics,Tragedy Series, commercial illustration, my first trip out of the country and a full length graphic novel; I've checked a few of those off the list and I'm ready to share again.
Here is a music video that I did with Paul Gilbert, my favorite electric guitar player on planet earth. He is a great communicator, has a sense of humor and is an all around cool guy. He had written the lyrics of this song with his Mom when he was four and asked me to interpret them. I just went with what I saw in my head, based on those lyrics, and this was the end result:
Keep a lookout for the godzilla poster and old ibanez 'rocket roll' flying V that I snuck in there.
It was great to work with him on the project, He and his band were really open and communicative in the process. I had never created assets for animation so it was a learning process for me too; I got a bunch of worthwhile new tools out of the project in addition to receiving amazing ibanez fireman guitar! He ended up using images from this video for the tour merchandise. I now have t-shirts, stickers and a cup with my illustrations on them in association with the work of an artist I greatly admire.It was a ton of work but it was a blast.