Here are a few of my favorite characters from the showI'm looking forward to the return of Game of Thrones. I had read the first book prior to knowing about the show but I find the series to be a great representation of the novel. I'll admit that the first 300 pages did not thrill me but it got awesome after that. I have my friend Wendy to thank for sharing the book and Lindsey to thank for watching the show with me. We are both excited to see the new season. I have not read the second book so it will all be new for me.
This sketch was done last night at my brother Zach's 27th birthday dinner at the Montage. I bought the 'old mac' classic mac and cheese. It's the bestI'm going to be in Seattle for the emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Washington, at the end of this month (March 30th-April 1st.) and I'm taking early commission requests. I can do licensed characters, portraits,pinups and all the rest.
You can find me at booth 222 along with other members of Periscope Studio.
I’m offering discounted rates until the convention. Here are the specifics:
-Single figure Prices:
All images drawn on 8.5 X 11 Bristol board
40 for black and white inked.
45 for black and white inked with tone-wash (the style of Tragedy Series.)
80 for inked with full color (watercolor.)
I take payment though paypal or you can pay cash when you pick them up at the show!
Contact me at tragedyseries (at) or spiderbridge (at) if you would like to order a drawing or require more information.
See you at the show!