
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Some Sketches Of Buffy

Here are a few test drawings of SMG as a tryout for some work on Buffy The Vampire Slayer comics. I like SMG's face but it is really hard to get consistently right; give it a try, it's more complicated than you think. I'm working on some more sketches of Angel and Faith that I will post when they are complete.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Cats, So Many Cats!

I had a lot to do in the last 6 months. I just finished a project I've been working on for the past 3 years (on and off) for Oni Press, written by Paul Tobin. It is about a cat, he has cat friends and the story jumps around in time and space while featuring a wide variety of cats. I decided to celebrate this finish-line crossing by drawing my favorite cat on the internet: Lil' Bub.

I'll returning to my poor neglected blog, over the coming weeks, to revitalize it with updated content and notices of all sorts. For a while there I was juggling wedding logistics, Tragedy Series, commercial illustration, my first trip out of the country and a full length graphic novel; I've checked a few of those off the list and I'm ready to share again.

Thanks for waiting. Watch this space!