I just found out that I get to draw a 'Planet Of The Apes' story for Boom Studios! These sketches were what I submitted as a simple character test along with some of my sequential work. The extra-cool part is that I get to work with Jeff Parker again; he makes comics fun again and it's a huge honor to collaborate with him.
In other news I've received the first set of the 'Tragedy Series' charms which includes Sheriff Puppy and Snuggle Cub. They are roughly an inch and a half across and come with a jump ring and a lanyard and I'll make them available at Emerald City and soon thereafter on the etsy store
I hope those of you within driving distance of Seattle will come see me in section 222 this upcoming weekend; we can talk about comics, why everyone but me seems to dislike the awesome John Carter movie and anything else that strikes your fancy.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I Only Have Flies For You
This cartoon was done for my dear friend Saskia who studies these little creatures so that we might understand cognition and visual reception better in the human brain. She is a great scientist and a wonderful person so I was all too willing to draw a doodle that she plans to use in her lectures. Hooray for Science and Hooray for Saskia!
I thank her for her work and her friendship. I'd love being friends with real scientists and getting great book recommendations is enough of a reward let alone actual books! I'll be sure to tell tales of how freaked out I am by my enhanced understanding of our planet's parasites. I imagine that the book on games with be a welcome dessert for my brain.
Monday, March 19, 2012
The Iron Throne Returns And So Do I.
I'm looking forward to the return of Game of Thrones. I had read the first book prior to knowing about the show but I find the series to be a great representation of the novel. I'll admit that the first 300 pages did not thrill me but it got awesome after that. I have my friend Wendy to thank for sharing the book and Lindsey to thank for watching the show with me. We are both excited to see the new season. I have not read the second book so it will all be new for me.
I'm going to be in Seattle for the emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Washington, at the end of this month (March 30th-April 1st.) and I'm taking early commission requests. I can do licensed characters, portraits,pinups and all the rest.
You can find me at booth 222 along with other members of Periscope Studio.
I’m offering discounted rates until the convention. Here are the specifics:
-Single figure Prices:
All images drawn on 8.5 X 11 Bristol board
40 for black and white inked.
45 for black and white inked with tone-wash (the style of Tragedy Series.)
80 for inked with full color (watercolor.)
I take payment though paypal or you can pay cash when you pick them up at the show!
Contact me at tragedyseries (at) gmail.com or spiderbridge (at) gmail.com if you would like to order a drawing or require more information.
See you at the show!