
Friday, December 16, 2011

Christopher Hitchens 1949-2011

I will miss this man's staggering intellect, wit and bravado-laced with erudition. Through his lectures and writing, I learned what it meant to think for myself and strive for the full measure of my mind's capability. The world has lost a great treasure. I will carry a measure of sadness that manifests every time I reflect on his absence and the light he brought to my life.

Do yourself a favor; read his words, listen to his oratorical style and glean what you can from his example. We were lucky to have him for as many years as we did; still, I wish we'd had a few more.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Action Is The Name Of The Game!

My Friend Natalie Nourigat has a graphic novel coming out from Image Comics and she graciously included me in the book. I was tasked with describing a gap year, between her end of college finale and the time this collection will be released, in two pages. I opted for lots of action and excitement.

These are just samples; if you like what you see you should go out and get the 'Between Gears", which includes the pages these frames come from, when it comes out early next year (2012.) Natalie is one of the most committed and promising cartoonists I know. I was glad to be a part of her project because I admire her abilities so much!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lost In Space

The title of this blog was the theme of a the art cards, made for a charity auction held by IndieCade, that Ron Chan offered some of studio-mates today as a fun little break from our regular work. It ended up being a descent into the bowels of Drawing-hell.

This was the result of my struggle with that little 3X5 bastard.

Through no fault of Ron's they ended up being the worst paper I've ever drawn on. If the surface had grabbed my pen and pushed it away, on top of the other inherent impediments, I would not have been surprised. It rejected everything I threw at it, even sharpie and acrylic paint. As far as supplies go it was a nightmare.